How to Prevent Your Metal Roof From Rusting

You may be considering installing a new metal roof but it’s also possible you have some concerns about it rusting. It’s a common question that most homeowners have. 

However, keep in mind that there are many benefits of installing and having a metal roof. For example, it will likely last longer, be stronger, and it is safer than a lot of the other options out there. The short answer is that, no, not all metal roofs rust. The good news is that you can take steps to help prevent your metal roof from rusting. 

Addressing Rust Issues

Your first order of business is to check and see if there are any signs of rust on your roof. Begin by washing your metal roof to remove any dirt or grime. Take notice if any of the washers or screws are rusting and then go ahead and replace them. You can use a wire brush to remove any rust spots that you notice. In the case that there are panels that are rusted then it may be time to have a professional take a look and replace them. If you allow the rust to spread it can completely ruin your entire roof and the look and feel of it. 

Paint the Roof to Prevent Metal Roof Rust

Applying a new and fresh coat of paint can offer your metal roof an added layer of protection from any corrosion. You may also want to take the step to apply a coat of primer that has at least 80 percent zinc. Zinc is a great way to prevent any rust from appearing. You should always clean your roof thoroughly before applying any paint or primer. This will help ensure that no dirt gets trapped in your paint job. It’s a good rule of thumb to paint your roof about every three years. This will help keep it protected as time goes on. 

Use High-Quality Metal Panels

When installing a roof you want to make sure that you use high-quality metal panels. Ideally, they should include a certain amount of zinc which will also help prevent your metal roof from rusting. Zinc is what helps protect the cut edges so you want to make sure your panels contain this element. You’ll be glad to know that here at RPS Metal Roofing and Siding we have some of the highest quality materials that are available in the industry. You’ll be in good hands if you choose to hire and work with our team.

Include Some Type of Coating

A proven way to prevent your metal roof from rusting is to use elastomeric, silicone, or acrylic coatings. Each option has its own advantages. One reason you may want to choose elastomeric coating is that you can find it in a wide variety of colors. It’s a good way to keep air and moisture out of your roof. Layers of protection can stop corrosion and rust from spreading on your roof. It’s a way to form a barrier that will hold up and help prevent any rust or corrosion. You can always consult a professional to see which coating option is best for your metal roof. Once again, you should make sure that you do a good job of cleaning the roof before applying any type of coating. 

Galvanized Roofing

One essential and must-do when it comes to a metal roof is to create galvanized metal. In order to do so you have to treat the roof with liquified zinc. The zinc offers an extra layer of protective coating so that you can avoid having your roof rust or experience corrosion. There are many advantages to taking the time to apply this protective coating. 

The main reason you want to do it is to prevent your metal roof from rusting. However, it offers other advantages such as making your roof more sturdy and durable. If you already notice some signs of rust then galvanizing the roof can stop the rust from continuing to spread. You’ll want to apply the material directly to the rusted patch so that you can stop the spread of rust on your metal roof. Galvanizing the roof with zinc will also help your roof last longer. You’ll discover that your roof holds up better against all kinds of weather such as snow, hail, and excessive heat. 

Make Sure You Perform Routine Maintenance

If you want to prevent your metal roof from rusting then you’ll also want to invest in routine maintenance. The upside is that metal roofs don’t require as much attention and care as some of the alternatives. However, it’s still important that you perform routine and annual maintenance. It may be beneficial to have a local roofer take a look and point out any rust spots to you. This way you can act on them and hopefully prevent the rust from spreading to other areas of your roof. You’ll save yourself headaches and money by spotting these rust spots as early as possible. Remember to paint your roof as well which should be a part of your routine care for your metal roof. 

What to do When Your Roof is Rusting

Sometimes it’s out of your hands and you’ll find that your metal roof has some rust on it. It’s important that you catch it early and know what to do when your metal roof is rusting. 

Remove as Much Rust as You Can

Your first order of business should be to remove as much rust as possible. Act fast because rust can quickly spread to other areas of your roof. If you don’t do anything then you may end up with more costly damage. Fix parts where rust can be solved quickly such as around overlaps and fixings. This will help you put a halt to corrosion. Ideally, you should contact a local roofing company that can come out and evaluate the damage and try to treat the rusted areas. You can have the rust removed and then give it a good cleaning with a power washer to help your roof look brand new.

Apply a Protective Coating

If your roof is rusting then you should also make sure that you apply a protective coating. This will help prevent further rust issues. This will help provide a superior barrier between your roof and the atmosphere and weather elements. Check out your options before choosing a coating because some are more durable and long-lasting than others. 

Upkeep with Regular Maintenance

You first want to treat your roof with a protective coating. Then you can move on to upkeeping with routine maintenance. You should make it a point to keep tree branches off of your metal roof. This will help ensure that your roof doesn’t become scratched. If your roof is scratched then you’re exposing the metal to the air. It may therefore hold pockets of moisture where rust can quickly form. Other elements such as dirt, debris, and leaves can also hold moisture close to the metal. Therefore, make sure that you clear away any of these items if you do go on your roof as part of your routine maintenance. Looking over your roof will also give you a chance to identify any other areas that may be starting to rust so that you can act fast. 


There are many benefits of installing a metal roof on your home. However, one issue that tends to arise sometimes is rust on your metal roof. You should now feel confident and know better how to prevent your metal roof from rusting. It’s essential that you do regular checks to see if there are spots where your metal roof is rusting. If you do spot any rust then it’s important that you act fast and treat it quickly and effectively. Prevent further rust by applying a long-lasting corrosion-resistant coating. Avoid build-up of damage or debris to your roof by keeping up with routine maintenance. 

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RPS Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc is a manufacturer and distributor of metal roofs. Located in Welaka, Florida, our company has state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment resulting in fine quality metal roofs for commercial, residential and agricultural use.

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